Friday, April 11, 2008

a quick post

omg i'm so gonna get killed for not sleeping yet!! i found the blog quizzes webby and got hooked! spent a good one hour plus doing the quizzes.. here are some of the results..

The Keys to Your Life

Anything good in your life comes from your ability to play and be free.

The best way for you to solve a problem is to let go of it.

Anything bad in your life comes from fooling yourself or clinging to illusions.

Be strong enough to see the world clearly. Learn from your mistakes.

What Your City Walk Means

You are optimistic and hopeful. Sometimes you do get disappointed by expecting too much.

You are generally confident and friendly with strangers. You are well mannered and sociable.

Money is fairly important to you. You aren't super greedy, but you enjoy spending money on yourself.

You enjoy the world around you, and you thrive on new environments. You can be easily surrounded by natural or man made beauty.

Your Life is 74% Perfect

Your life is pretty darn perfect. You don't have much to complain about.

Of course, your life is occasionally less than perfect. But you're usually too happy to notice.

You Could Be a Vampire... If You Had To

Like most people, the thought of being a vampire has crossed your mind. But you're not sure if you'd do it, even if you could.

Living forever doesn't sound half bad, if you could live forever with the people you love the most.

But do vampires even love? And would the vampire version of you even be you?

It's all too much to contemplate. Luckily, the chances of you ever becoming a vampire are astronomically low.

What you would like best about being a vampire: Living forever

What you would like least about being a vampire: Blood stained teeth

the tests results are actually quite accurate but damn!! why are the chances of me becoming a vampire low???! sobz. =(

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