Sunday, April 26, 2009

7 reasons to stop getting drunk

7. It hurts you internally.

Liver failure anyone?

6. It hurts you externally.

Everytime I'm drunk I will end up with bruises the next day and not know how I got it. Today wasn't any different. I was removing my make-up in the morning and suddenly realised there was a blue black on my nose bridge and above my right eye. I vaguely remember falling down but don't remember where. Just glad I didn't break my nose.

5. It makes you fat.

Work at bottoms up, put on 5kg. I quit, LOST 5kg. Work at shebang, put on 5kg. Anyone else see a pattern here? Alcohol is proven to assist weight gain. All the calories!

4. It makes you lose control.

I could actually go on and on about this point but lets just say i don't like crying for nothing. Maybe it wasn't nothing but then that would mean I was being emo which I hate even more.

3. It makes you do embarrassing things.

Drunk sms-es aren't exactly something to be proud of, among other things.

2. It burdens the people around you.

Who likes taking care of a drunk person? I know it's hard thats why I appreciate the people who still do it.

1. It's a Sat night and I'm home!

Coz I'm too shagged from being drunk last night plus not having enough sleep!! This is enough reason to quit man.. I dunno when's the last time I was home on Sat night. *sigh*

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