Sunday, May 23, 2010

I pledge to spend more time with my family!

You know how I always go on and on about how we should spend more time with our family while we can? Well, sometimes I tend to forget that and recently I was thinking I must put aside at least 2 days of the week for them, especially my parents, since I already spend so much time with my brother.

Incidentally, Nuffnang is collaborating with the National Family Council and is giving away tickets to local attractions for a fun-filled family day to selected people who make the pledge!

So, my pledge is to spend at least one weekday and one weekend having dinner with my family and to visit my grandma at least once a fortnight. No matter how busy we are, we should all spend a little time with our families to bond because they are the most important people in our lives. I know I keep saying it but really, don't wait till its too late to regret.


Organised by the National Family Council, National Family Celebrations is an annual event which celebrates and reinforces the importance of families and family life. This year, Singaporeans are encouraged to make a personal commitment to their families by being a part of the Singapore Family Pledge Movement.

To provide opportunities for Singaporeans to follow through on the pledges to their families, there are a myriad of activities under the NFC 2010 calendar – which will interest the young, the old, and everyone in between! NFC 2010 will be held from 25 May to 26 June 2010, and this year marks the 25th Anniversary of the Celebrations. For more information on NFC 2010, visit

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