Friday, April 22, 2011

how to survive a day without twitter/fb

Now I know why I love twitter so much. There are just some things that are too short for an entire blog post but perfect for a one-liner tweet. Like, " I went to church today only to realize that the service was in Chinese!" Yes, true story.

Anyway, I woke up this afternoon and instinctively wanted to check twitter but remembered the promise. So, here's a list of things I've been doing to stop myself from tweeting. (Ya I realized twitter is more important to me than fb)

- Playing words with friends (I'm at maximum capacity already! Playing with as many people as possible)
- Reading CLEO
- Checking out travel packages online
- Blogging (There's not much point of this post other than to stop me from tweeting. Haha.)
- Playing around with my photo apps. Check out the photos!

Aren't those cats cute? I'm not particularly an animal lover but they ALWAYS stick together below my block and one of them even came into my house TWICE before! That's amazing considering I live on quite a high storey. [PhotoComic app]

Isn't this so cute also!?? Mashimaro is one of the few cartoon characters I like! [Mashimaro PT app]

I like this effect alot! [Live FX Lite and Polarize app]

Ok, I've managed to survive through the day! Another couple of hours and I can open my twitter app!! =D

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