Friday, July 21, 2006

(post)world cup fever

Can't eat, can't sleep, wake up at 3am every night and have nightmares about the Zidane head-butting incident? Lolz. This entry is for those who just can't get enough of the World Cup 2006 which ended last Mon.. I wanted to blog so many things out but I realised pictures say it so much better. Plus I kinda forgot what were the many things 'coz I've been delaying this entry. =x

This is the best part of the Portugal vs Holland game which I blogged about earlier. Check out Deco's face.. So blur, so cute!! And the coach damn pissed.. Very super funny!

And then there's the one involving my droolsome Ronaldo and the cutely childish and hot-tempered Rooney..

Did you catch the wink??? That meanie! Even though I love him but still.. To bully his own team mate.. Tsk tsk..

Finally, the head-butting incident that made the finals end in a very big way..

Poor Zidane.. He seems like such a nice guy.. Apparently lip readers had been hired to find out what Materazzi said to rile him and after going through thousands of intepretations, I have concluded that this is what that asshole said.. " Hold on, wait, that one's not for a nigger like you. We all know you are the son of a terrorist whore. So just fuck off. " Wouldn't you have head butted him? Maybe a kick in the balls would've been better!

Super funny clip.. Especially near the end..

Who says soccer is not fun?? You've got lots of drama, fights, speculations, hunks.. All that's missing is some love.. Now if only I could photoshop Ronaldo and Deco in some kinda passionate embrace.. LOLZ. I know I'm sick. But.. What's this?

Maybe soon I might just get my wish..

Anyway, back to soccer.. Its a conspiracy to get people to spend money! I lost a total of $320 on bets and I know people who actually lost more! And don't say bets.. People spend money on the channel, the tidbits you munch on while watching it(another conspiracy to get you fat), the sms-es you excitedly send everytime there's a goal, the calls you make to bet illegally.. And many other things which I can't recall now already.. That's the irritating thing about postponing an entry. I forget everything. Which is what I have to do again. Wanted to blog about where I've just been to but will do that.. soon.

Most videos and pictures courtesy of . =)

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