Monday, July 03, 2006

smile. coz i updated.

I was just surfing through some of my friends blogs and none of them updated!! Now I know how you all feel when you stop by and there's no updates. Except that you all probably just feel ten times worse. =) So being the nice person that I am I have decided to UPDATE even though I'm just 2 and a half hours away from boarding a cab which will take me to the airport. For work.

For the past week I have really lived up to my reputation as a movie freak. Lolz.. Watched 6(?) movies.. There's nothing left for me to watch except Superman Returns so those of you dying to watch a show with me take note k? Hee.. I found the new love of my life while watching The King and the Clown..

I know he looks girlish (Actually he looks like Vanness, but then Vanness also.. Nevermind). I dunno why I seem to have a thing for girly guys. And guyish girls? Lolz.. I went to my ex-colleagues son's birthday chalet just now and saw this small bung there.. Haha.. I know.. The way I say it is as if she's an insect right? Why are there so many of them around nowadays?!! I wish I could just exterminate them! Not that I have anything against them except they make me think. I mean.. I was fine and everything till she came up to her girlfriend, who was talking to me, and kissed her. I don't know how to describe what I felt but it certainly wasn't happiness.

When I broke up with Alex, I didn't think of him everytime I saw a guy.. 'Coz there are so many of them. But butches.. There are few and yet many enough to affect me once in awhile. Irritating. Think you all probably don't understand what the fuck I'm talking about. And then I started wondering if I actually liked bungs more than guys. Hmm. It's just 2 different kinds of feelings. But cannot be la.. I still like guys. I saw my future husband in church just now. Hah. So don't start gettting worried.. Ok, enough rubbish. Being in a girls school really screws with your head sometimes.. Nevermind the fact that I've been out of there for 5 years.. Thats not the point.

The other show I MUST mention is Just My Luck. It's actually a chick flick so I watched it with the right people! Actually, it would be a nice show to watch with your bf/gf also 'coz after the show I just felt like kissing somebody. Lolz. Someone with extremely good luck perhaps? So.. Basically what I'm trying to say is that watch it with anyone and it will still be nice. Talking about luck..

I broke my very nice limited edition Ettusais mirror!!! *sobz* 7 years of bad luck?? I don't really believe in superstitions just super sad 'coz its limited edition and that means I can never get it again!!! Maybe I should go and beg the salesgirl to find one more for me but I think she gave me the last piece.. =(

On a happier note, I saw Mel Mel just now!! I missed that girl. Not long after I came home from the chalet Zi Chao called and told me Melissa was with him so I went to Simpang Bedok to eat supper with them and their two other friends.. We did so much catching up. Talked about KC again.. Really miss those days.. Really miss that school (even though it screwed me up. kinda.) I don't wanna be old and wrinkly! I don't wanna be 21!! *wails*

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